The current editorial board
James Callahan/Crane is writing a dissertation on post-Kantian German philosophy and natural history. Teaching with a focus on designing courses on the (comparative) history of world philosophy.
Zach Loeffler teaches the philosophy sequence in the Core at the University of Chicago, where he completed a PhD in the History and Theory of Music and was a postdoctoral fellow. His current book project, entitled Life without Fear, is a reconstruction of Adorno’s critical music theory of communism.
J.E. Morain is an independent scholar working in critical theory and philosophy. His interests include Marxism, psychoanalysis, German idealism, 20th century French philosophy, and the New Left. He is also a translator of German and French.
Esther Planas Balduz. Dissident artist and independent researcher. Investigating the early IfS Marxist Critical Theory, mostly Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer’s critique of enlightenment, fascism, and the West. She wants to work on a PhD on Gillian Rose’s critical account of modernity vs postmodernity. Studying is a political tactical instrument. Vocational Communist Futurist. Member and Organising Committee at the London Renters Union LRU, Hackney Branch, London, UK.
Sam Thomas is a Ph.D. student in philosophy at the University of Arizona. More importantly, he is a bassist in a band called Burial Mask.
Anatarah Bin AlKaf is a computational biologist and engineer. He is also a union organizer and activist. He is working on figuring out the reciprocal relationship between mechanism (machine) and teleology (organism) in hopes of contributing to a critical theory of nature.
Mac Parker is a communist dilettante organizing with the NYC-DSA Independent Working Class Organizing project and the Brooklyn Eviction Defense Tenant Union. He is currently cooking up a project on the social determination of Ancient Greek philosophy from the Pre-Socratics to Plato & may end up writing something on finance, imperialism and so-called “Monopoly Capitalism” once he figures out what a derivative is.
Jefferson Lin plays music and reads about philosophy. They are interested in exploring the roles of interpretation, music, and history in relation to critical theory. They are currently concluding an undergraduate degree in musicology.
Re Tejus is a sociology grad student. They are currently working on the relationship between the development of terror laws and Capitalism in India.