Critical Theory Working Group

A website for collective self-clarification without consolation


Marxist Working Week Geraberg 1923

Group photo

Standing from left to right: Hede Massing, Friedrich Pollock, Eduard Ludwig Alexander, Konstantin Zetkin, Georg Lukács, Julian Gumperz, Richard Sorge, Karl Alexander (child), Felix Weil, unknown; sitting: Karl August Wittfogel, Rose Wittfogel, unknown, Christiane Sorge, Karl Korsch, Hedda Korsch, Käthe Weil, Margarete Lissauer, Bela Fogarasi, Gertrud Alexander

Brief Motivation

The transmission – by reconstruction, criticism, and development – of early (Marxian) critical social theory in the first half of the twentieth century, with a focus on the constellation of thinkers known as, or associated with, “The Frankfurt School”. In the short term, the purpose of this group is to offer open reading groups and free resources to anyone interested in dedicated study of early critical theory, regardless of background or education. In the long term, the modest goal of this group is to provoke and cultivate the critical attitude essential for the immodest project of critical theory: the criticism and abolition of capitalist society.

The transmission of the critical theory in its strictest possible form is, of course, a condition of its historical success. But the transmission will not take place via solidly established practice and fixed ways of acting but via concern for social transformation. Such a concern will necessarily be aroused ever anew by prevailing injustice, but it must be shaped and guided by the theory itself and in turn react upon the theory. The circle of transmitters of this tradition is neither limited nor renewed by organic or sociological laws. It is constituted and maintained not by biological or testamentary inheritance, but by a knowledge which brings its own obligations with it. And even this knowledge guarantees only a contemporary, not a future community of transmitters. The theory may be stamped with the approval of every logical criterion, but to the end of the age it will lack the seal of approval which victory brings. Until then, too, the struggle will continue to grasp it aright and to apply it. – Max Horkheimer, “Traditional and Critical Theory” (1937)

For the current editorial board, see people.


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